miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011

3. La velocidad de Internet impone una nueva gramática

El tiempo es esencial en Internet, y en este escenario los usuarios se caracterizan por su impaciencia frente a un entorno digital, pues esperan que en poco tiempo se desplieguen los contenidos y conozcan el objetivo principal del sitio web, para ver si éste les ofrece lo que ellos están buscando, y tomen la decisión continuar en la página o irse. 

Ello supone un cambio en los modos de escribir y leer, es una nueva forma de consumo de información que implica el que productores se adapten utilizando una redacción que asegure que el contenido se entienda en el tiempo, e incorporando elementos propios de los contenidos digitales  como enlaces, interacción y multimedios. 

Los periodistas en la redacción de contenidos para la Web, despliegan una gramática que difiere a la ya utilizada en otras plataformas, debiendo escribir de manera directa, ingeniosa y eficiente, adaptándose a nuevos ritmos, con cambios en la tipografía, extensión, y atendiendo a la usabilidad.   

Los periodistas desarrollan una nueva gramática para la Web

2. Modelo "diamante", actualización en etapas

Para narrar hechos noticiosos como la movilización estudiantil, el modelo piramidal más óptimo es el de “diamante", ya que sus ejes son la velocidad y la profundidad, conceptos claves al considerar la forma en que se desarrolló el tema, con un conflicto importante de trasfondo, pero que no tuvo un cierre claro desde el principio.
Paul Bradshaw, autor de este diagrama piramidal, afirma que en el siglo 21 la noticia no termina de escribirse, que el desarrollo de las publicaciones comienza con un adelanto o borrador, y que en la medida en que se van recibiendo nuevos datos, se dispone de material en multimedios y enlaces, ya se puede publicar en el medio.
Cuando ocurrían manifestaciones, o los líderes se reunian con las autoridades, las noticias que se iban conociendo al instate no tenían la suficiente confirmación, es por ello que aunque fuera bueno tener informaciones de manera veloz, era importante atender a la confirmación de los hechos, y una posterior profundización del tema.

  Modelo "diamante" sobre profundidad de los contenido

-El siguiente video explica los niveles de este diagrama piramidal:

1. Mediatización de contenidos digitales

La mediatización es una etapa del "modelo margarita" sobre información y gestión de contenidos digitales, que permite en el texto la inclusión de distintos medios como videos, imágenes, audio y gráficos interactivos, lo que significa un acceso a la información para usuarios con distintas capacidades.

Hay que asegurarse de que los elementos multimediales cuenten con ciertos requerimientos como los permisos legales, que den a conocer previamente el formato, tamaño y peso de los medios dispuestos, e informen si requieren de un software, todo ello con el fin de generar la mejor experiencia en su uso.

Un ejemplo de la mediatización en los medios de comunicación es lo que ocurre en el sitio Web de Radio Bio-Bío que incorpora junto a los textos, imagen, audio ("cuñas") y video, y lo mismo ocurre en el ámbito internacional con la versión digital del diario británico The Guardian.

Radio Bío-Bío incorpora elementos de distintos medios

martes, 7 de junio de 2011

my last post

It was my first experience writing in English in Internet and also of write in a blog. Always in the secondary school the task was write in English in copybooks or in boring exams, and when I had a doubt I had to look in a dictionary.

Write in a blog is easier because if I have a doubt I can search in “WordreRerence.com”, and get an answer of more rapid and simple way, also write in a blog is more entertaining because I can write about things that I like and give my point of view about that, for example about music, books, and places.

I think that internet is a platform very important in the new century, and I think that between many things, it allows us to know of fastest way about other cultures, and languages, and for that matter, the English is fundamental.

To me write in this blog helped me to remember grammar and vocabulary, to be constantly thinking how to structure a sentence, and also it allows me to know new words to have a slightly larger vocabulary, and to try to think in English too, and not in Spanish when I have to write in English.

I didn’t write in English for many years, and I think that this class is very useful to retake the English. The true is that I don’t like very much this language, but I know that the English is important in my career, this is a fact.

I like my blog, and I consider interesting this experience, this allowed me practice with more frequency (once a week), and read the opinion of my classmates. I think that I improved my English, now I can express a little better than before, but I need continue learning =)

Greetings and thanks for all!

martes, 24 de mayo de 2011


I like read, so I have many books that I like. But I prefer to talk about a book of my area, the journalism. Exist a genre that is a mixture between literature and journalism and is from America, and their name is “New journalism”.
We can find authors such as Tom Wolfe, Truman Capote, Gabriel Garcia Márquez, and Ryszard Kapuściński, among others.
But I will to talk about the book called “La Isla de la Pasión”, writing by Laura Restrepo, a colombian journalist that write books of New Journalism, that narrate a true story with elements of fiction.
I bought this book like a photocopy in my University, to the class called “Redaction”, where I knew the “new journalism” that I like very much.
This book is about the island Clipperton that is a French possession localized near Mexico. The plot of this book is about a little group of French settlers that was sent at Clipperton for the authority of France to claim dominion over the island, at the start to the last century.
With the time, the island and the people settlers that live there was forgotten for every people, for the French and their enemies Americans. The French settlers began dying for diseases, for hanger and murdered for a man who had gone mad. The couple of man that gives protection to the women of the island, died for hallucinates with a boat of recue.
Of the hundred people that lived in Clipperton almost all died, and contradictory the survivors (eleven people) were recuing for the U. S. Marines.
The interesting of this book is the investigation that is back this story, because before of this book the island was forgotten, and the information that appears in “La isla de la pasion” is the result of a depth journalism research, between letters and documents. Highly recommended.

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

Monkey girls


I think that I like many photographs and choice just one is very complicated, for that I chose this photo, because it is very representative of the frienship that I have with the people pictured.
This photograph was taken by Andrés, the boyfriend of my friend Tatiana, in the vacation of this year, in February specifically. In this you can see from left to right: Magdalena, me, Loreto and Tatiana. We appear like monkey girls, when we climbed the hill “Concepción”, from Valparaiso.
I like this photograph because it represents a moment very happy, me and the girls of the photograph are very good friends, and always that we can, we met… but recently we had rerely met because we are studying.
We are always taking photographs with some crazy poses… and this is not the exception. I have many photographs like this, and all are very representative to me, because they represent special moments.
I met the people of the photograph many years ago, in 2004, and from then we have been good friends. I remember that when we took us this photograph, we also took many other photos, in one of them, we are imitating the typical photo of The Beatles in the zebra crossing, and other like the “the Last Supper”… those are very funny.
Onother thing that I love in this picture is the location because I love Valparaiso; I think that is a place very beautiful.
This picture has many technical errors like the shadow, but I don’t care xD
I love this photograph and I love my friends =) and I hope that with time, we can have many more photographs.

martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

The best day of my life

I think that the best day of my life was the first time that I went to Chiloé. I am not sure, but I think that it was on the summer of the 2000. I was ten years old, and also was the first time that I traveled without my parents because my father was working (but I met with them a few days after). I went to Chiloé with my sister and the rest of my mother’s family: my grandfather, my uncles, aunts, and cousins. 

My mother’s family arrived from Chiloé in the early twentieth century, from Chaulinec specifically, my grandmother wanted to return to the island in the 80s, but weather conditions were bad, and she never could go. In December 1999 she died, and as a tribute we gather as family in a place special for everyone.

My only concern was be having fun enough, because when you're a child the world is much more simple. I remember laughing with my southern cousins, when we was collecting corals from shore, and capturing crabs (pancoras) from the beach.

I remember the strong wind and rain hitting the roof. For the night our parents made bonfires and they told us stories of fear, and legends from Chiloé. I remember we all laughed and enjoyed.

In years later we continue travelling to Chiloé to their different islands, but we never returned to Chaulinec. Now we are more separate, and the children of this time now are adults.
But always that we met we remember that wonderful and special summer. My first encounter with Chiloé, a place that I love.